Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Japan lands spacecraft on the moon

On the 1st of October 2023 SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) was launched aboard XRIM (X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission), a telescope that will orbit Earth.

Soon after XRIM was launched, SLIM successfully separated and headed towards the moon.

On the 25th of December 2023 SLIM entered lunar orbit and on the 19th of January 2024 landed on the moon.

It landed within 100metres of the intended landing spot. This makes it the first precision landing.

Unfortunately while landing the SLIM landed with the solar panels facing away from the sun. The SLIM does have an onboard battery, but to prevent draining of the battery SLIM was powered down on the 19th of January.
It is hoped SLIM will wake up when sunlight should hit the solar panels.

Just before landing on the moon SLIM deployed two LEVs (Lunar Excursion Vehicle),

LEV 1 will move around the moon using a hopping mechanism. It has cameras and equipment including a thermometer, radiation monitor and inclinometer.
It has already taken some hops on the surface of the moon and transmitted data back to ground stations.

LEV 2 was fitted with two cameras. Data transmitted back to ground stations seem to show that it sustained some damage during landing.

The mission has already been hailed as a success due to being able to conduct a precision landing. LEV 1 will continue to explore and transmit data. More information about LEV 2 will be known once it transmits more information.

Hopefully SLIM will be able to start working once the sun is able to reach the solar panels.