Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Treats2sit4 cheer4
In October 2022 Treats2sit4 had to cease production of their fabulous natural treats, due to the spiraling cost of raw materials and energy bills.

Their treats were removed from their website on the 31st of October 2022.

Harry, Alfie and Daisy reached out a paw with some exciting news!. So we had a meeting and, well I will let them tell you themselves....

So, here's the scoop on why we, treats2sit4, hit the pause button on making dog treats.

Man, those costs were through the roof! We just couldn't keep up with the hefty expenses involved.
But let me tell you, our comeback was fuelled by something magical—our customers' dogs.

Holy woof, those pooches wouldn't touch any other treats! Our phone was going bonkers, ringing non-stop, and our inbox was blowing up with emails from desperate pet parents asking where the heck our treats were.

And you know what? We couldn't ignore their pleas. We had Ralph, the Cockapoo with a heart condition and special dietary needs, who practically lives for our treats.

Then there were Lily and Poppy, two sassy Whippets who turned their snouts up at every other product out there.

And get this: we had this awesome customer who trained countless guide dog puppies using our treats.

How could we let them down? So, we're back in the game, folks!
Ready to satisfy those demanding doggie taste buds and bring joy to furry friends like Ralph, Lily, and Poppy.

Let's treat 'em right!

4 chapel Street, Ryhill, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF4 2AD
Tel: 07598 971990
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.treats2sit4.co.uk

Tigger Club Offer:
When ordering directly from Treats2sit4 website, enter the code TIGGER10 to receive 10% off your next order