Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Nature in November
There is a lot of activity going on with wildlife in November.

Most of which you may not notice, but there are a few things you will need to know to warn yourself and your humans about.

The overhead spooky honking should have mostly disappeared but there will still be some flocks of geese leaving it to the last minute to to leave for their holidays in warmer climates. Other birds will be either emigrating away or migrating here for the winter. Although why a bird would choose to sit in a frozen snow covered field instead of some exotic warm climate is beyond me.

Deer are still in the last few weeks of battling it out for mates, so keep an eye out when on countryside and woodland walks for irate deer.

Foxes will seem to have a population explosion around November. The reason for spotting more foxes is that breeding season starts in December, so the teenagers are turfed out of the nest by their parents so they can focus on next year’s offspring. Leaving the young foxes to look for places to set up their own homes and territory.<br
/> Squirrels are more active as they are stocking up food for winter. So make sure your humans have a tight hold of you as you drag them through the woodland.

Hedgehogs start to look for suitable places to nest and hibernate for winter. This could be a pile of leaves or logs that could be out on walks or even in your own gardens. So make sure your humans check frequently.

Snakes, frogs and other amphibians generally stay active until it gets below 10C (50F) and then they will winter under leaves or logs where they will keep warm. Although some frogs remain in ponds all winter.

Most fish are getting ready to settle down for winter. Apart from salmon, who are racing up rivers and waterfalls to spawn. This makes some humans want to stand in fast flowing rivers for hours on end up to their waists in water, trying to whip the water with a bit of string on a pole while ranting to themselves.

Insects will start hiding in dark corners, sheds, logs and under leaves for the winter.

Slugs and snails will stay active as long as the weather is mild.

Spiders mostly do hibernate too, although house spiders give you more entertainment for at least another month. They will lurk around the house waiting for your human to notice them.

The scream from a human to notify us a spider has been found is like no other sound you will hear. It is usually accompanied by the spider chant ’getitoutttahere’ or just ’getitgetit’ while they do the spider dance.

Wherever you live or whatever you do, November is still an entertaining month for us all to observe humans in their natural habitat BOL!