Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Yoda & Cheezlt's Scratching Post
March 2023

Hi pals!
We hope everypawdy had a super duper Meowlentine’s Day.

We have great news!
There has been extensive progress made in the Mabel Mystery….The Mystery of What Mabel Hears in the Vents.
The other night, Momma got out of bed, and it was really dark and quite. Then she started hearing some strange sounds from the vent in the bathroom. She wasn’t sure what it was. She looked at Mabel, and asked her, “What was that.” Mabel didn’t say a word. So Momma got closer to the floor and listened.

It was mousies!!
Momma heard the mousies talking to each other, plotting how to get in the house to take over!

She looked at Mabel, “So that’s what you’ve been hearing. Youre not crazy after all.”
Mabel wanted to say, “I tried to tell you, you stupid human!”
So The Mystery of What Mabel Heard has finally been solved!
What comes now, you ask? Probably nothing (MOL). It was just very fulfilling for the human to discover what Mabel had been trying to tell her for months and months!
Til Next Month,
(and the others)