Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


 Avian Influenza Northern Ireland - latest update
18th April 2023 - catch up on the latest update from Northern Ireland

The housing measures which were introduced to help stop the spread of avian influenza will be lifted from 00:01 on Tuesday 18 April 2023.

Poultry and other captive birds will no longer need to be housed and will be allowed to be kept outside. As infection may still be circulating in the environment, scrupulous standards of biosecurity remain essential. The enhanced biosecurity requirements that were brought in as part of the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) currently remain in force and all poultry gatherings remain banned.

Those who intend to allow their birds outside are advised to use the upcoming days to prepare their outside areas for the release of their birds. This will include cleansing and disinfection of hard surfaces, fencing off ponds or standing water and reintroduction of wild bird deterrents.