Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals



Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Well, where to start? Where to start. I come from a track in West Virginia. Me and my littermates were all named after islands - the US Virgin Islands to be exact. I was GF Saint Thomas and my nickname on the track was Freeze. I didn’t run very many races, in fact, I probably would say I never ran any because of my habit of suddenly just stopping.

As I am a very big boy, I topped up at 41 kg (90lbs) so I really wasn’t the fastest on the track. They made the decision to pull me, and I lived the first part of my life in the track kennels. That is up until Gillian‘s Greyhound Adoptions, north of Toronto, sussed me out specifically for my Mummy. Mummy and the adoption agency spent a VERY LONG TIME together because I have a special role that needed to be filled in the Canadian justice system.

I was born in Wheeling, West Virginia on a very sultry summer afternoon. August 16, 2019. I don’t remember much of my puppyhood however I definitely remember being put in the back of a hatchback and driven just over eight hours across the border to my temporary abode. “Ah ha” I thought, “a new place to rest my head with a couple other Greyts”

That turned out to not be the case; my forever Mummy came and got me two days later. Because I was definitely not the first greyt that had ever graced her home, the adoption agency let me go extra extra early. I got trundled into the back of my forever chariot, and after a 6 Hour drive on April 25, 2021 arrived at my new home in the capital of Canada, Ottawa.

Do you work? If so where/what do you do?
Yes. I earn my kibble. Which, if you ask me, isn’t quite enough. I get 5 cups a day, and I could easily Hoover 10! I spent over 2000 hours working one on one with my Mum before I sat for my first working dog exam. Now, I am going to tell you a tail out of school. … I was so stubborn, and when I didn’t want to do anything, I simply froze so Mummy had to go way up the hierarchy food chain and get in an expert to the experts to help her. My Mummy is incredibly privileged to assist the court system with victims of unspeakable horror . Mummy knew, deep in her heart, that a dog in a court room would ease the revictimization of those who are testifying. Oddly enough, it was a retired defence lawyer, and a sitting judge, that pushed so hard for this to happen.

I now proudly have my paw print, and Mummy’s signature, on an MOU, that was signed at the end of 2021 with the Office of the Attorney General. I am, officially, an Officer of the Court. I accompany my Mum to the Ottawa Courthouse, and I work right alongside her as the case goes to trial.

My job is to comfort those who live with emotional pain, give them a paw to hold, ears to scratch, a tummy to rub. In essence, until my Mummy gives me the command, I really never leave their side. And we go back the next day for as long as it takes to conclude the testimony. Then sadly, I say a very fond fair-well.

A few days later, the process starts over again. I come home sometimes and I know that my Mummy is sad because I see so many little victims that should be out, playing with friends, not having to retell their painful tale inside a courtroom. I do LOVE my work and get pawsome satisfaction when Mummy says “Good Job”

What is your favourite type of music?
Hmmmm . I have a very eclectic Mummy, so I would have to say I listen to almost everything. I am very fortunate, because Mummy and I go to the symphony and to the pops, as well as to Broadway. So, I would have to say anything that doesn’t have Opera involved. That hurts my ears. Mummy goes without me. I am tho, fond of “Climb every Mountain “ Can’t beat Julie Andrews.

If you could choose your name what would it be?
. LOL. Well, I wasn’t fond of the name Freeze. It brought back memories of being teased at the track. When I was learning recall, I would get so excited that I would be tearing back to Mummy and when I arrived, I would launch myself onto the floor at her feet. It was an earth-shaking moment.
Hence ….. KaBoom. I love that name, however, I have heard Mummy sometimes sadly shaking her head and muttering under her breath “oh, boom boom baby.”

What is your favourite food?
Favourite food? Oh, now that’s a challenge! Well, in all honesty, I would have to say it’s a tie between two special treats: Canadian wild caught Arctic char that Mummy freeze dries, and Mummy‘s special homemade recipe of organic, sweet potatoes, rolled in grain fed liver.

Have you taught your humans any tricks?
*Groan* you obviously have not met my Mummy… when I first arrived I thought she was as thick as two planks. It took me a dogs age to get her to understand that “come” does not mean now. That “sit” obviously means I’ll think about it and she still *chuckles behind paw* believes that I don’t sleep on the Chesterfield on the rare occasions I’m home alone. So basically, she is a zero trick pony.

What is your favourite way to entertain yourself?
Hoooo Boy! I would have to say that depends where I am. I quite enjoy my Snufflemat. I have Foxy Roxy, who I happily fling all around the greyt room - one lamp down, one more to go.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Hmmm. Greytest accomplishment? Finding my Mummy by being the extra special Greyt that she needed the most. * proud pointy ears *

What is your next goal in life?
This is easy! I want to attend “Reach the Beach” in Delaware!! I LOVE the ocean, Mummy an’ me like to travel when we’re not working and it would be so pawsome to run nekkid with my kind!

If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be?
Just fur a day? Then I would definitely say I would like to be a pampered, much loved cat. No rules. No boundaries. And the most important part in the winter? Indoor plumbing.

Finally and most importantly...What was your human’s most embarrassing moment?
This may take a minute to compute as there are so, so many…….. *puts head in paws* … well last summer she fell off her shoes in the plaza outside the Courthouse an it took 2 police officers to get her back up onto her feet. The really nice security folk found ice fur her ankle and she had to ask the court’s permission to appear in bare-feet. Oh ! And then there was the time Mummy…….