Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals



Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I am Sammy an English pointer cross Lurcher from Ireland, I was given up at 4 months old by my hooded who said I was too hyper and disobedient.
My hoomum says I’m just misunderstood and now I have a routine I am much more settled and happy.
I was given to Dogs Trust from a shelter that was going to put me to sleep within 24 hours (that’s the rule over in Ireland), so they brought me over to Manchester in the UK and worked with me for a while in kennels - to make me fit for adoption, the cheek!!
I was adopted a couple of times then returned for being too giddy.
Then my hoomum came in to the centre one evening sad because her old lad of 18 had passed and she said she was very low.
Naturally she fell in love with me instantly and agreed to take me home, as part of the agreement with Dogs Trust she had to come see me 5 times before she was allowed to take me home because I was a “difficult to place” pup... not sure why everyone kept saying this.
I was 10 months old when I adopted hoomum, and we’ve had lots of fun ever since. She says I’m the apple of her eye and she works from home so she can play with me all day. 

How many siblings do you have and long have you had them?
I have a furbrother, Charlie, who arrived 6 months ago.

Do you work? If so where/what do you do?
I am hoo mum’s PA and work hard to ensure she can buy my treats.

If you could choose your name what would it be?
Little Lord Fontleroy

What is your favourite food?
Roast Chicken.

Where is your favourite place to be?
On the sofa with hoomum

What is your favourite way to entertain yourself (annoy your humans)?
Getting overexcited and spinning around then running around all the sofas knocking cushions off.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Stealing hoomum’s brand new slippers and stripping them down to bits of fabric.

What is your next goal in life?
Stealing hoomum’s new trainers would be special.

If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be?
A prince.

Finally and most importantly...What was your human’s most embarrassing moment?
I cocked my leg in hoomum’s friend’s shopper bag.