Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals



Tell me a bit about yourself.
I be eleven years old, i am white and bringle and i is a nutter

How many humans/siblings do you have and long have you had them?
I lib wiv Charlie, he mooved in 3 years ago, he be black and 9 years old

Do you work? If so where/what do you do?
Mami goes kibble earnings, i be retired

If you could choose your name what would it be?
I already hads it....His Royal Handsumness

What is your favourite food?
Prawn Clackers....i luffs prawn clackers

Where is your favourite place to be?
On da sofa

What is your favourite way to entertain yourself (annoy your humans)?
Whinge, Whine and create fur no reason

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Kicking mami out of bed

What is your next goal in life?
eat all the prawn clackers...

If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be?
To bees King

Finally and most importantly...What was your human’s most embarrassing moment?
mami rides ponies an she falls off a lot, she says as she is an old fart there were no mobile phones around den