Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals



Tell me a bit about yourself
I am a rescued Podenco bitch who lives on the Costa Blanca.

When is your Birthday/Gotcha Day?
My Ooman’s say I was  6 years old when I went to them.

How many siblings do you have and how long have you had them?
I’m the only furby in the household, but I don’t mind that because it means I’m Top Dog.

Do you work?
Yes, I’m an Ambassapod for my breed,.  At shows and on my walks, My Ooman’s always stop and talk to people and tell them all about me.  The waiting around can be exhausting so I expect to receive lots of treats for my efforts.

If you could choose your name, what would it be?
I consider Nola to be quite regal, so other than perhaps Cleopatra I’m more than happy with the handle I’ve got.

What is your favourite food?
The same as My Master which is lemon drizzle cake.  I have been known to sneak a bit when he’s not looking.

Where is your favourite place to be?
In ‘The Golden Nugget bar, being treated to prawn cocktail crisps.  Oh yummy!

What is your favourite way to entertain yourself (annoy your humans)?
My Ooman David getting annoyed when I pretend not to understand his commands and do as I’m told in order to get more treats.  It really amuses me.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Getting someone to understand dog-speak so my book could  be written for Ooman’s to enjoy.

What is your next goal in life?
To make lots of cash from my book to donate to small animal rescues.

If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be?
I would like to be a fairy Podmother with a magic wand.  I could go into every shelter in the world, wave the wand and give each stray the perfect forever home that they deserve.

What was your human’s most embarrassing moment?
When Susan, My Mistress was asked to leave Musical Bingo as I started a dog’s chorus joining in with Dolly Parton’s ‘Jolene’.  She was ordered never to take me again.