Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals



Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I’m 6 1/2 years old and I live in Scotland. I was rescued by Spaniel Aid and temporarily placed with my foster mum and dad and furbrothers. That’s when I met my new mum and dad and furbrother Sparky, they came to see me and they fell in love with me and me with them.

Do you work? If so where/what do you do?
I do odd jobs around the house including chasing cats out of the garden which I take very seriously.

What is your favourite type of music?
I’m very influenced by punk music and enjoy listening to my dad’s collection, I even have a mohican as my fringe spikes up. I also like classical music particularly baroque and renaissance keyboard music which mum plays (a lot) for me.

If you could choose your name what would it be?
Hmmm, some consistency would be nice as dad calls me Nelly and mum calls me Penny. Mum says I’m such a pretty girl that Aphrodite would be an apt name. I definitely like the sound of that name.

What is your favourite food?
Fish & chips, toast and rabbit poo.

Have you taught your humans any tricks?
I taught mum to sneak me titbits under the table.

What is your favourite way to entertain yourself?
Chasing my ball is my bestest hobby. I’ve recently discovered sunpuddling and mum and dad’s bed is just pawfect for the afternoon sun.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Beating Sparky to the prime spot (in between mum and dad) on their bed. It’s always a nightly contest and is usually won by Sparky. Grrr!

What is your next goal in life?
To save my pawket money and buy a tennis ball launcher so I chase balls all day long.

If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be?
A ballgirl at Wimbledon.

Finally and most importantly...What was your human’s most embarrassing moment?
I chased a rook on my walk recently but when I realised it wasn’t going to fly away I stopped running towards it (it was really because I lost interest and not because I was scared of it). It flew away thankfully but mum says all the rooks were probably laughing at me for being such a scaredy-cat, er sorry I mean scaredy-dog, BOL!