Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


News from Doris - The Roving Reporter
- December 2023

Hello from a wet and windy south coast!

Gosh it's been horrid and damp over the last few weeks.... well in fact months! I think we've had three named storms recently and one of the first Babet took some tiles from our roof so we had to have scaffolding to reach them. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but the poles blocked my exit to the garden and my favourite (only) apple tree to wee under. I mean, so inconvenient bol. 

Needless to say all was ok and we're lucky that the damage was minor. And, indeed, fixed before the next storms but it did highlight to Elaine what a hound of habit I am. As I couldn't use the back exit I had to take my ablutions via the front door, round the house and to the side gate, easy enough you would assume.... not for a hound who's used the back door at least twice a day for 12 years!! After my breakfast and bedtime biscuits (which naturally most discerning dogs get) I dutifully trotted to the back door only to be manhandled the other way. The daily fight of 'no Doris, this way' whilst being literarily picked up and turned 180 degrees was a challenge for all involved. Albeit a funny and entertaining struggle!
Travelling around the side and through a gate and still arriving at my tree blew my mind with each wee. What a few weeks, sniggers. 

So the moral of the story pals is never allow scaffolders to block your route.

Doz - free to use the back door - lurcher. 

ps I did get lots of walks..
he's me in my Tigger's raincoat squinting from the rain!     
