Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


News from Doris - The Roving Reporter
- February 2024

Hello pals,
I hope everyone is well and dandy. It's been cold but fresh and I've been having a lovely bimble with my anorak on! As you know I live right near the beach in Brighton and I'm often sniffing and mooching on the pebbles. This week a warning went out to dog owners about a toxic substance poisoning local dogs right where I walk. Luckily a friend forwarded the warning to Elaine but it highlighted how careful we have to be.

There was some sort of washed-up pollution on a wide area of beach and whatever it was consumed by two dogs, both of which became seriously ill but with vet care were ok. Apparently the dog's were vomiting which smelt strongly of tar and possibly paraffin or diesel, it sounded very nasty. One was also having spasms which led to a seizure. The Animal Poison Line, which we'd not heard of, were involved and doggos told to avoid the beach. 

A dog owner's guess was perhaps it was paraffin used for starting fire on New Year’s Eve and just poured onto the beach but it didn’t evaporate as it’s been cold/damp. Their dog had also been sick and smelling of paraffin so we wonder whether this is probable. During the hours after the initial warning their were many comments from other worried owners. In Brighton we're acustomed to hearing about palm oil on the beach but this was something more deadly. Needless to say I have been walking on the pavements instead and leaving the beach for a while. Us hounds have to be vigilant out there and humans need to take much more care to leave no trace!
Doris the intrepid litter picking pooch.