Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


News from Dusty's Diary
February 2018

Hi Readers,
There has been so much happening in the last few weeks I've been struggling to decide what to write about...

We had a very stressful start to Christmas when the kennel on wheels broke down in the middle of the A1 in Lincolnshire, but we did meet a very nice policeman!

My first Christmas was amazing - there was a huge turkey that I made sure was supervised by me at all times, I couldn't let anything happen to something that delicious! 
I also got a new bed, it was so comfy that I lay down on it in the shop and refused to budge, much to the amusement of staff and customers. 
But best of all, I got an octi, and he still has all his tentacles.

Perhaps the most concerning behaviour I've been observing lately is my human obsessively cleaning our house and throwing away so many boxes of stuff that I wanted to chew up. 
I felt that she needed to be reminded of my existence after several days of this neglect and found her brand new slippers so I could give them some ventilation holes. 
I was suddenly her #1 priority again when she realised what I'd done!

I think she felt guilty for ignoring me, so she sat down and gave me a cuddle and explained that not all people like dog hair and mud in their house, and that she is trying to buy a new house for us so I can have a furbro.

All this cleaning is definitely worth it if I can have a partner in crime and zoomie buddy!

Until next time.
Have a pawsome month
