Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Worzel Wooface
-Catherine Pickles

Tell me a bit about yourself:
My name is Worzel Wooface and I are a nearly five year old lurcher.
I are also a writer and a blogger and a noospaper collie-um-nist.

How many humans/siblings do you have and long have you had them?
I do have 2 hooman small peoples wot aren't very actual small anymore, they is both hadults.
One I do call the fuge ginger boyman cos he is fuge and ginger and probababbly, nearly halmost a man.
He's a lot nearer to a man than a boy than when I first started writing about him to be very quite honest but once someboddedy has got a name, they is generally stucked with it.
The other one is the previously ginger one. She is small and her hair never stays the same colour…

Do you work? If so where/what do you do?
I are a writerer. That is my himportant work.
Sometimes I do management in the hoffice at the boat yard where Dad works but I aren't very good at it and do distracting everyboddedy or I do yelling if I get lefted on my actual own.

If you could choose your name what would it be?
My name would be go and lie in that bed and eat chicken wings all day. Hobviously.

What is your favourite food?
Chicken wings but I do fink I did giving the answer away with that last answer.
Sorry about that fing.

Where is your favourite place to be?
Oh dear. I has dunned it a very gain. On Mum's bed. Hobviously...

What is your favourite way to entertain yourself (annoy) with your humans?
Taking up All. Of. The. Bed. It is a fine actual line to be very quite honest.
If I take up too much of the bed, I do fing myself Hejected.
And the door to the bedroom being shut with me on the Wrong. Side. Of. It.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Finking about learning how to do down.
Peoples say writing four books with two more coming out this year is a great haccomplishment but I does promise you, nuffink is more difficult that finking about doing down.

What is your next goal in life?
Not having to fink about doing blinking down would be an actual start. After that, it is gettering the hoomans to do somefing about the weather so I can get my paddling pool out.

If you could be/do anything for a day, what would it be?
Bed, chicken wings, more bed, walkies, playtime with Kite across the road, paddling pool, trip to the beach, chicken wings, bed.
As you can probababbly do tellering, I has fort about this a lot and a lot.

Finally and most importantly...What was your human’s most embarrassing moment?
There isn't actual one. So far there has binned a very nuff to fill four hole books.
I do remember falling asleep in the room with the washing machine once and Mum finking that I was missing and having hystericals.
That was quite a red and soggy hexperience once she did find me.
And realise I wasn't missing. And she could stop printing posters and phoning the police and the doglost peoples...

(June 2018)