Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


The Scratching Post
February 2024

Hi pals.
BoyCat here.
OMC! I have to tell you (well, complain) about these babies!
Nobody here can stand them! They are absolutely insane! Sorry for all the exclamation thingys. But, really, they are driving us nuts here! Even Momma is losing her mind too!

These babies, especially the two girls (Walnut and Acorn) will NOT leave me alone. Momma always says thank you when I take care and babysit them, but she doesn’t realize that this is cutting into my self-care time.
They ALWAYS want to be by me, lay by me, pretend I’m a mommy cat and suckle on me (Momma loves that so they don’t do it to her). I can’t take it anymore!
Sometimes when they come around me, I have to bite their ears and hiss at them to get them to leave me alone! Sometimes I just have to smack them.

They are just so hyper. They climb on everything. They love to climb on the window screens. Momma already knows that she has to replace them before Spring. They will almost knock you down when they run past you. They will try to steal your food! Momma is trying to teach them the rules, but it’s not easy. Peanut is the best one. He, at least, tries to be good. The girls, they just don’t even try at all!
Happy Pawlentines Day, Furriends!
Send Help!
Til Next Month,
(and the others)