Skye Tails 
Snacks & Treats

Hi, I’m Barbara and I am the baker of all things Skye Tails. I cut, stamp and bake every single one of our delicious (yes, I have tasted them all) dog treats.
I started baking dog treats a few years ago when Sophie, our Weimaraner, developed car sickness. Every car journey was miserable for her. I did some research and ginger was mentioned as a possible solution over and over again. So I had a play with some ingredients and developed our Gingerbread Dog Treat recipe, which I still use today. Sophie’s car sickness improved and she was again keen to jump into the car and head further afield with the family.
So that’s where the initial idea came from…

Next I thought I would see if other people would be interested in my dog treats and as I often attended craft fairs to sell my handmade jewellery, I thought this would be the perfect way to start. Within the first half an hour the treats sold like hot cakes! I came home and thought ‘should I take this further?’
I started to research all things dog food related and decided that I could definitely do this. The contents of some treats on the market? Well, I’d rather not say…So between being a mum of four children, a wife and my day job I’ve been experimenting and developing recipes for Skye Tails.
My dogs are an extension of our family and I care very passionately about what they eat that’s why what goes into Skye Tails Dog Treats is good enough for humans to eat; the freshest ingredients from my larder cupboard and free range eggs. Good enough for us means it’s definitely good enough for our loving and loyal best friends.

All our dog treats are freshly baked in our family kitchen and posted out to you as quickly as possible. This ensures that our product reaches your best friends at their freshest.
Quality control is handled by our black Labrador Retriever, Woody and our Weimaraner, Sophie. Oh and I may have had one or two! We only use the best ingredients (including store cupboard staples – wholemeal flour, free range eggs and oats) and you won’t need a degree to understand our labelling.

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