Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Tigger's Tails - June 2023

Hi Pals,
How have you all coped with three bank holidays last month? Hopefully you are all bank holidayed out, because the next bank holiday is at the end of August!

Even though there were three bank holidays, I managed to miss them all for my emergency visit to the vet! Which is a rare bonus for my human’s finances. BOL!

I was doing some extreme power sliding at home and ripped one of my toenails off.
While my humans were freaking out at the amount of blood, I was unceremoniously bundled into the car and taken to the vet.

When we got there, not only was I made to walk, but I was also weighed !

I have always made a relatively simple weigh in, into a full on drama and wrestling match, followed by me having a complete fall over protest.

Unfortunately my human has realized I will refuse to stand and has got my weigh in down to a fine art. All be it at speed. BOL!
My human tells the vet to watch the scales screen and ‘get ready to take the reading’.

They quickly pick me up and plonk me on the scales before I can even protest. They then hold me in place to stop me trying to lean far enough to topple off the scales.

Once they check the vet is ready to read the screen, they shout ’now’ and let go of me and tries to delay catching me as I fall so that the vet can get a reading.
Sometimes the whole thing needs to be repeated if a reading is not possible.
Unfortunately this time they were able to weigh me in one go. I am 22.9 kilos. The vet was quite impressed at my weight and said I was very healthy for my height and breed. When we went into the examination room the vet was in for a pleasant surprise.
My human has worked with me to make it easy for my human to inspect any injury without me getting stressed about things.
My human stood behind me and asked me to show them my paw.
So I sat up while leaning backwards towards my human and put my paw in their hand.
Their other hand gently help my head up so that my nose was pointed to the ceiling.
The vet was pleased my head was being steadied in case I tried to stop them looking at my paw, although they were more at risk of me licking them.

The vet was looking to see what I had damaged and gently touched the broken nail.
When I barely moved, they quickly gave the nail a quick wiggle and it came off in their hand. Phew!

I was sent home with my human who was advised to do regular salt baths on my paw and a few days rest to help keep the wound clean. I was told not to lick the wound either. How rude!
Although I did feel a bit guilty as I left because the vet was having to follow me around to clean up the fresh blood trail!
I was ready to get out of the vet’s surgery but my human had to steer me back to reception to pay for my treatment.

Hopefully I will manage to get through the rest of the year without visiting the vet again. BOL!
Until next month
Nose bump to you