Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Tigger's Tails - July 2023

Hi Pals,
First I have to announce the sad news that Tigger Club New repawter, Cheezlt, has bimbled across the Rainbow Bridge.
You will be missed Pal.
Run free Cheezlt

I had a bit of excitement last month as I thought I had discovered a completely new species of animal.

We were out visiting Seaton Delaval Hall again. It is local to us, so we do go there a lot.

When we were wandering around, I noticed a strange looking critter. It looked somewhat familiar but different at the same time.
It looked like a hedgehog, but not like any I had seen before.
From experience I kept a healthy distance but still tried to investigate. I stood for ages waiting for it to move so I could get a better look at it, but it didn’t.
Even after I tried to give the hedgehog a play bow to see if it would say hello, it still never moved. It must have been in a deep sleep.

More people were starting to wander into the area were and I wanted to share my discovery with them too. It was at this point that my humans rolled their eyes and insisted we carry on our walk.

I was excited at my discovery, but my human just kept on calling me an embarrassment and an idiot! How rude!

My human was there to photograph the new species of hedgehog, you can see the picture below.
What do you think?
Am I a great modern day Charles Darwin or is my human right, and I am just an idiot?

Hopefully I will have more new discoveries for you next month.
Nose bump to you