Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Tigger's Tails
- February 2024

Hi Pals,
Anyone else sick of the rain, wind, snow repeat sort of weather we are having? Roll on the summer, or any time that include warm and sunny.

My human has not failed to entertain again last month.
While busy cooking in the kitchen, and trying to multitask, they filled up the pepper shaker with some ground black pepper. When they had finished filling the shaker and had put the lid on the large pepper pot, they rubbed their eye.

Now my human is accident prone to an Olympic standard and has spilt, splashed and sprayed loads of things into their eyes before, with shampoo and soap being very high contenders for pain factor. Not any more, pepper goes to the top of that list.

The following pain was unbelievable and they grabbed a cloth to wipe away any pepper that could also go into their eye. Nope that was definitely not a great idea as the pain level increased. They then went to the sink and wet some kitchen towel to wipe the pepper away.

Now at this point I even realized a dry cloth hurt, so a wet cloth is just going to make it worse. However they proceeded to to learn that was not a good idea either. So now that their eye that felt like it was resting on the surface of the sun. They started splashing water at their eye, then to speed things up they then got a cup and was pouring it over their face, getting water everywhere. After much panicking, much more water and lots of jumping about and shouting the eye started to calm down.

Most importantly they finished making dinner and we were able to eat. The food was great and the managed to not burn it with all of the pepper drama.

Although cleaning up after eating was a much bigger job than normal. There was the normal dishes and a huge trail of destruction around the sink and the floor was soaked. They had to put down loads of towels to soak up the water that had been thrown around.

The worst part of the whole saga was while they were eating their dinner, they remembered there was one of those eye wash things in the first aid kit for such occasions. If they had used that there would not have been water all over place. BOL!

Honestly I have no idea how we have survived for so long. BOL!

In other news.
I will be celebrating my 9th Gotcha Day on the 27th of February. Woo Hoo!
I have no idea when my actual Birthday is, but the veterinary surgeon estimated I was around nine months to a year old due to my teeth.

Don’t forget if you have a Birthday or Gotcha Day, you can have a free listing on my website and a free barkout throughout social media.
Just send me your date(s) and a picture of yourself

Nose bump to you